the Global Real Estate Investment Bank
Securities products offered in the US through Eastdil Secured Advisors, a FINRA/SIPC broker-dealer. FINRA Broker Check.
Our Mission
Our Mission
We strive to create value for our clients through creative, actionable ideas and flawless execution, and to be the most relevant and trusted advisor in the commercial real estate capital markets.
We are and continuously aspire to be:
A discreet and trusted advisor that prioritizes long-term relationships over single transactions – it’s decades, not deals.
An organization that invests in our people and fosters their growth & empowerment at all levels.
A collaborative and intelligence-driven team that operates with a high degree of internal connectivity and trust.
A firm that uniquely combines capital markets and real estate expertise – providing clients with outstanding advice and execution in all the major markets, property types, and transaction forms.
A company that encourages its people to develop deep personal, lasting relationships with the individuals at all levels at our client organizations.

Our Mission
About Us
Trusted Advisor in the Real Estate Capital Markets
Eastdil Secured is the original real estate investment bank that uniquely combines commercial real estate and capital markets expertise. As a privately held firm with significant employee investment, Eastdil Secured provides truly independent advice from a global perspective with the mission to create value for our clients through creative, and actionable ideas.

About Us
Who We Are
Collaborative, Knowledge-Driven Team
Eastdil Secured operates with the highest level of internal connectivity and trust in the industry. We thrive on collaboration with every transaction supported by the efforts of the entire firm. Our collective team knowledge and first-hand experience are matched with our new state-of-the-art technology, expert-level underwriting, innovative structuring, highly effective investment banking approach and emphasis on speed-to-market. This unique combination is enhanced by our global reach and longstanding relationships in the executive suites, as we connect the dots across sectors, geographies and throughout the capital stack.

Who We Are
Our Objectives
Independent, Unbiased Intermediary
As a privately held firm with an integrated investment banking platform, we are uniquely positioned to operate with no conflicts. We never compete with our clients as we do not manage, lease, purchase or develop properties, service loans or act as a lender correspondent. Our objectives remain fully aligned with our clients, allowing for a shared partnership that drives the success and execution of every transaction.

Our Objectives
What We Do
A Passion for Excellence
With each transaction, we continue to garner more experience, knowledge and insight, allowing us to provide our clients with unique data points, innovative strategies, world-class advice, and exceptional results.
With a true passion for excellence, we are proudly:
• The #1 Global Advisor on Transactions $100M+
• The #1 Debt Placement Platform in the U.S. & Europe
• Leader in office, retail, multifamily, hotel, and industrial investment sales in the U.S. and Europe
* All rankings for 2015-2021 period, Sources: Mortgage Bankers Association, Real Estate Alert, Eastdil Secured and others.
* Securities products offered in the US through Eastdil Secured Advisors, a FINRA/ SEC Broker-dealer.

What We Do
Our Founder
Benjamin V. Lambert
Ben was a legend in real estate and the founder of the real estate investment banking industry. He established the unique culture of the firm that is the hallmark of our company today.
Ben founded the firm in 1967 with the vision to bring an investment banking approach to real estate. Over the course of his 54-year career, he was involved in some of the world's most iconic real estate transactions, such as: the financing of the Embarcadero Center in the early 70's; facilitating the purchase of the Irvine Ranch in 1977; the sale of the MacArthur Foundation apartment portfolio in the mid-80's; and the sale of the Helmsley Portfolio in the 90's.
Over time, the firm grew, expanding across the world and becoming an integral partner on every type of property and transaction type. In the 1980's, the firm entered into a venture with Nomura Securities and from 1999 to 2019 operated as a subsidiary of Wells Fargo Bank. In 2019, Ben and the firm's management team led Eastdil Secured's recapitalization, in partnership with Guggenheim, Temasek and Wells Fargo. This management-led recapitalization took the firm private and solidified the firm's position as the premier independent real estate investment bank.
A living icon, Ben's countless contributions laid the foundation for today's commercial real estate industry. Beyond the firm, he served as a highly sought-after advisor to a number of corporate boards of directors and important organizations. Among those influential roles, he has served as a member of the boards of directors of the Irvine Company and Hilton Hotels Corporation. He is a founding trustee of the Wells Fargo Mortgage & Equity REIT, former Chairman of the Board of the National Realty Committee, and Member of the Urban Land Institute, the International Council of Shopping Centers, and the Real Estate Board of New York. Ben is also a former trustee of his alma mater, Brown University and was the Founder and Chairman of the Harlem Day Charter School and a former member of the Board of the Waterford Institute and the Waterford School.
Ben's commitment to putting the needs of our clients above all is what defined Eastdil Secured, and that commitment lives on in every single one of us. It is our honor and privilege to carry on his legacy with the same integrity and passion for excellence that he established.

Our Founder
Our History
The Pioneer of the Real Estate
Investment Banking Industry
Eastdil is created by Benjamin V. Lambert and Eastman Dillon Union Securities. The firm opens with a team of 15 people in New York City and immediately distinguishes itself by introducing investment banking culture to the real estate brokerage business.
Eastdil is retained by Wells Fargo to assist in creating its Mortgage REIT.
Eastdil opens its West Coast office in San Francisco.
Eastdil forms a partnership with the Ford Foundation with the purpose of acquiring real estate assets on the foundation’s behalf.
Eastdil arranges the financing for the purchase of Irvine Ranch in California. The $377 million price tag for the 77,000-acre parcel was the largest land deal in U.S. history.
INA Insurance Company sells Blyth Eastman Dillon, Eastdil’s parent company, to Paine Webber. Eastdil’s senior management buys firm from Paine Webber to become a wholly independent company.
Eastdil sells a 50% stake to Nomura Securities Company, the largest brokerage house in the world. Eastdil relocates personnel to offices in London, Tokyo, and Frankfurt.
Secured Capital Corp, a real estate investment banking company, is launched by Michael Van Konyenburg and other senior executives from Drexel Burnham Lambert.
Eastdil and Nomura agree to end their relationship. Eastdil repurchases Nomura’s 50% interest. The firm also sells its asset management business, with assets valued over $5 billion, to O’Connor Realty Advisors. Eastdil sharpens its focus on investment sales.
Roy Hilton March, who first joined Eastdil’s San Francisco team as an intern in 1978, is named President of Eastdil.
Wells Fargo acquires Eastdil, making it a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank. Eastdil retains its name and independent structure.
Wells Fargo acquires Secured Capital Corp and merges it with Eastdil to create Eastdil Secured, a real estate investment banking firm that has the largest transaction volume in the world. Van Konyenburg is named President, March is named Chief Executive Officer and Lambert is named Chairman.
Wells Fargo acquires Wachovia. In the transaction, Wachovia’s real estate investment team is folded into Eastdil Secured, expanding the firm to 220 employees.
Eastdil Secured opens an office in London to elevate its platform in Europe.
Eastdil Secured opens a new office in Seattle.
Eastdil Secured branches into the German market with sale of Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz to Brookfield Properties Partners and a sovereign-wealth fund for $1.4 billion.
Eastdil celebrates its
50th anniversary.
Expanding its footprint in Europe, Eastdil Secured opens a new office in Frankfurt.
Strengthening its international presence, Eastdil Secured opens a new office in Tokyo.
Eastdil Secured becomes a privately held firm with significant employee investment following the successful completion of its management-led recapitalization in partnership with Temasek and Guggenheim Investments. Wells Fargo & Co. retains a minority ownership interest.
Eastdil Secured further expands its global platform with new offices in Paris and Dubai.
Eastdil Secured celebrates the opening of a new office in Dublin, Ireland.